Episode 33

Published on:

18th Feb 2021

HR, Performance, & Attention to Detail with Chris Denny #33

HR, Performance, & Attention to Detail with Chris Denny #33

Nick Day is joined on The HR L&D Podcast sofa by Chris Denny, Founder of Attentiontodetail.com! 

Reduce mistakes, improve task accuracy, and improve overall productivity!  Chris Denny is a researcher, trainer, author and consultant, who specialises in working with individuals and organizations to become more detail-oriented.

Following over 6 years of research, Chris has developed a system that can improve performance with attention to detail.

Check out Attentiontodetail.com.  Chris Denny joins Nick today from across the pond in Littleton, Colorado to discuss his book, his business and to teach us how we can all improve performance if we simply become more detail-oriented.

Working with private companies, government organizations and even providing one to one coaching for high-value employees, Chris has developed a system, which he created after 6 years of research, hundreds of surveys, and dozens of discussions to improve performance with attention to detail – something we will find out all about during the course of this podcast.

In this “HR, Performance, & Attention to Detail” episode with Chris Denny on The HR L&D Podcast, we also explore:

* How did you arrive at specializing in improving attention to detail?

* Can people really improve attention to detail or is it something you're born with?

* What system success stories can you share with our listeners?

* How can HR Professionals affect attention to detail across an entire team or organisation to improve performance?

* Attention to Detail Solutions is a company that helps individuals, companies, and organizations decrease errors, increase productivity, and improve quality – is a book that leads me to ask, what's next for you and Attention to Detail?

* Can you tell us more about the book and what extra detail we can find from the book that we just don’t have time to discuss today?

Links highlighted in this “HR, Performance, & Attention to Detail” episode are included below:

* Website: https://attentiontodetail.com/

* LinkedIn Profile: Chris Denny

* Purchase a copy of the book: Attention to Detail Solutions is a company that helps individuals, companies, and organizations decrease errors, increase productivity, and improve quality

* The host of The HR L&D Podcast - LinkedIn Profile: Nick Day

* Leading HR Recruiters: JGA HR Recruitment

* Listen on Podbean

Of course, if you are an HR or L&D Leader listening to this podcast and you have an HR-related vacancy that you would love some specialist human resources recruitment support with – please also get in touch with me!  I would love to help show you what a great HR recruitment experience feels like!  You can reach out to me directly at nick@jgarecruitment.com or give me a call – 01727800377


Thanks for listening folks – I look forward to bringing you the next episode of the HR L&D Podcast real ...

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The HR L&D Podcast
Empowering HR Excellence: Insights, Strategies, and Leadership 🌟📈🤝"🎧
🌟 Discover the future of HR with The HR L&D Podcast! 🎧 Get ready for actionable advice, innovative strategies, and transformative HR insights from top human resources industry leaders. 🌍

🔍 We dive deep into issues impacting people management, leadership, inclusion, wellbeing, employee engagement, DEI, and culture development. This show can be your key to optimising your knowledge to unlock the potential of your workforce and elevate company performance. If you're in HR, you can't afford to miss out! 🚀

🎙️ The podcast features interviews with top HR leaders shaping the people industry's future. Through agile, innovative, and strategic insights, the podcast offers listeners the capabilities, skills, and knowledge necessary to execute their HR goals. 🌐

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Nick Day