Embrace Equity for International Women’s Day with Jacqui Barret #80
Embrace Equity for International Women’s Day with Jacqui Barret #80
In the episode, Nick Day is joined on The HR L&D Podcast by Jacqui Barrett, co-founder of Wider Thinking and an award-nominated Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Specialist and Keynote speaker to celebrate and discuss EDI concerning International Women's Day.
Jacqui previously spent 15 years working in television for the BBC before taking an extended career break when she had children because her mum was diagnosed with Young Onset Alzheimers (she was 60).
What emerged from this experience was the realisation that Jacqui knew she wanted to speak about the topics she was passionate about – such issues as sustainability, female empowerment, financial inclusion, equality and unmuted cultures. It led Jacqui to create Wider Thinking. An equity diversity and inclusion programme that enables organisations to scale EDI awareness to all people, not just senior leadership.
The platform is focused on helping people understand themselves and others, equipping everyone with skills and sensitivity to navigate the workplace, and allowing everyone to contribute.
As someone who has implemented the Wider Thinking platform into my business at JGA HR Recruitment, I invited Jacqui to join me today to talk about why it is so important that we all embrace equality for International Women's Day.
International Women's Day is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8 as a focal point in the women's rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence & abuse against women.
In this “Embrace Equity for International Women’s Day” episode with Jacqui Barret on The HR L&D Podcast, we also explore:
- What do the words human resources mean to you?
- Why is International Women's Day so important to you?
- What is the difference between equality and equity?
- Can you give real-world examples of equity?
- Can you give workplace examples of equity?
- What can we all do more of?
- What is EDI measurement, and why is it important?
- What will you be doing on 8th March in celebration of International Women's Day?
- Can you tell us more about Wider Thinking?
Links highlighted in this “Embrace Equity for International Women’s Day” episode are included below:
- Website: https://widerthinking.com/
- Jacqui Barret LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquibarrettwiderthinking/
- The host of The HR L&D Podcast – LinkedIn Profile: Nick Day
- Leading HR Recruiters: JGA HR Recruitment
- Enjoyed this show? Why not also check out our other podcast focused on all aspects of payroll: The Payroll Podcast
Remember, If you are an HR or L&D Leader listening to this podcast and you have an #HRvacancy that you would love some specialist #humanresources #hragency support with, please contact me, Nick Day! I would love to help show you what a great #HRRecruitment experience feels like! You can reach out to me directly at nick@jgarecruitment.com or give me a call – at 01727800377
Thanks for listening, folks – I look forward to bringing you the next episode of the HR L&D Podcast soon!